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Podcasts are informative, entertaining and enlightening. They offer hosts a chance to connect with their audiences, build valuable connections, make money selling advertisements and products/services and promote their brands. 
If you are an entrepreneur, you may want to start a new podcast in 2020 to build up your business. It can offer you many new opportunities as long as you do it right. Film and video production professionals can tell you just why you should invest and start. 
People really like podcasts. They have shown a steady growth in listeners over the past few years, with 51 per cent of Americans having listened to one, and 80 per cent of podcast listeners averaging 7 podcasts a week. Podcasts have closed the gap between local and special interest radio shows and broadcasts. 
They can be streamed anywhere where you have a smartphone or and internet connection, listen to them at home, or on your commute. They can explore any area of interest in great depth, even the most obscure topic that would never have made it onto the conventional or commercial airwaves can command a rapt international audience. 
Not everyone has the time to read a lengthy blog post. The average blog is approximately 700-words, which can can be read in about 5-minutes. However, the average podcast is 35-minutes which translates into 4,550 words, the equivalent of 6.5 blog posts. 
Not only does this allow you to deliver more content, in more detail to your audience, but it is delivered in a medium that’s convenient, and easy to be consumed. Taking the time to listen to a podcast on a journey, a commute, or just a walk is an opportunity to learn. 
Just like with a blog, a podcast is a way for you to build an audience. As your podcast grows in popularity, the size of your audience increases. Not everyone who listens to your show will come back for more, but the ones who like your style and your content will become loyal listeners. 
They will recommend your show to others, and over time you will build a tribe of fans eager to hear your next episode. If someone has chosen to listen to a podcast, then it’s highly likely they’ll listen to the entire show, and move on to other episodes if they have enjoyed it, or it has been informative. 
Many podcasts will feature hosts or co-hosts interviewing other experts in their niche. If you do this, you will learn more about your industry as well as tap into your guests’ audiences. For example, if you interview an influencer with hundreds of thousands of followers, you will attract this audience when you promote the interview. 
It can give your brand an literal voice, and give your business a personality. It can raise your profile above just having a great logo and company slogan, and possibly above your podcast-less competitors. 
If you’re looking for professional podcasting services, as well as film and video production professionals in Hull, then get in touch today
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